Secrets of the Hire
August 2017You’re interviewing for your dream job. You’ve interviewed with several people and knocked it out of the park but with this manager you’re not so sure. You really want this job. What are they really looking for?
Companies are looking for people to add to their bottom line, and you are no exception, no matter the role. Here’s what they want to know…
- You have demonstrated experience excelling in the role. They don’t want someone who wants a shot at it, who says they will prove it to you. You must be able to speak the language and show how you have nailed it in the past.
- Your behavior is everything. Be friendly and be confident! We’ve all had the bad boss, annoying coworkers, and challenging roles but it’s how you talk about them, your facial expressions, how you sit, how you carry yourself, and that most important firm handshake.
- They want someone who enjoys their work and is motivated by the new company and opportunity!
When it comes down to making the final decision on candidates, it comes down to these three things. Nail them all and the job is yours! Go get it!
Cheering you on,