The 2016 In-House Creative Services Industry Report is Here!
May 2016The 2016 In-House Creative Services Industry Report, as presented by the BOSS Group, InSource and Cella was just released. This annual survey provides valuable insights and direction for in-house creative leaders across the country. One of True Talent Group’s core values is knowing the Creative space—what is happening industry wide, what is trending and, most importantly, we share that information with you!
Whether you are an in-house creative leader, or have one within your organization, these insights will help you better understand work-mix and utilization trends.
Nationally, companies of all sizes are increasing the use of in-house creative teams to achieve their marketing and sales goals. Irrespective of the size of their teams:
- 35% plan to increase their full-time employee headcount
- Three key drivers of this trend:
- In-house creative’s brand knowledge
- High-end creative quality
- Speed of delivery.
But, with fluctuations in project volumes and shorter deadlines, 9 out of 10 creative leaders use freelancers or contractors during periods of peak demand—with 30% planning to increase their spend this year. Additionally the complexities of specific skill sets in today’s technology-driven world make sourcing and hiring an even harder job for time-strapped managers. The fastest growing areas for permanent and freelancer/contract positions are:
- Video production
- Web design
- Digital/multimedia design
- Brand management
- Mobile design
Maintaining a core team of project and design professionals while adding freelance and contract talent as volumes require is the trend in today’s world. Flexibility in your department sets you and your team up for long-term success and maximum cost-effectiveness.
Want to learn more about in-house creative department trends? Email us at