Make COVID your moment to market – Part 2

Why investing in marketing right now will set you up for future success: Part 2 of 2

Everyone’s questioning how to market their business right now – and the reality is this question comes after everyone’s well-being is addressed. There’s a lot of changes happening and we’re doing the best we can to keep up. Now is a great time to take an assessment of your company and ask, “What do I want to look like in 5 years? What talent do I need to execute on that plan?” Don’t wait for the news of the recovery — act now and you can snatch up quality players that have never been available to you, even if it’s just part-time at first.

4) Don’t re-write your marketing – just give it a boost

Marketing during a recession doesn’t necessarily mean that you completely overhaul your first strategy. And it’s important to know that in many cases existing strategies work well as a framework for new, adaptable ones. You likely have some key takeaways that you can work with just by looking at the past year of your activity — did you post helpful content to your audience? Did certain types of advertising work better than others? What about partnerships?

Now, here’s where the boost comes in — depending on your industry, the work you could be re-packaged as something new. Is your business heavy in data? Infographics play well by most audiences. Did you run a great video campaign? Offer some nostalgic commentary or ask your creative team to re-create the same piece except it’s produced while practicing new social norms. Then, create a piece that looks closely at what each production took, or offer a single side-by-side view of the productions.

Remember, marketing is still marketing, and at the top of every marketer’s priority list should be messaging and content relevant to audiences.

5) Exercising empathy in marketing – because everyone needs it

Working from home and the closing of schools means many two-income families have stressors they’ve never experienced – and with far less support than they’re accustomed to. People’s feelings have always been at the center of your marketing intent, but never before have we had to consider such a wide variety. Understanding how to market with empathy will demonstrate that your company cares about its customers, and will increase sentiment both now and well into the future? Consider the following when starting your new marketing strategy outline:

  • Start with empathy: 2020 has been unprecedented in every way and we’ve all been affected differently. Whether you’re engaging with your co-worker, a contractor or someone in accounts receivable, consider that the headlines you read may have impacted them personally. Now consider how your marketing may come across with that person. 
  • Adjust your message: The term “tone deaf” has never been more relevant. Review your materials and messages from branding campaigns to direct marketing campaigns, to make sure you’re respecting the mood and tone of your audience.
  • Acknowledge the current state of affairs: Not every post or message needs to lead with “we’re all in this together” or “these unprecedented times”, but each conversation needs to respect the state of reality. Give your customers and employees the flexibility and space they need. This could mean shorter meetings, a gift card for coffee, or an offer to video chat during off-hours.
  • Advertise on the right digital and social channels: As we said before in Part 1, advertising costs are down across the board. What better time to broadcast than when there are fewer people talking and more people listening? Your customers will remember YOU when the economy picks up as long as your message resonates with them and reinforces your brand.
  • Advise clients and be an advocate: Transactional sales and marketing quickly turns into a race to the bottom, so speak frankly with your clients and customers and keep questions open-ended to allow them to elaborate on what they need from you. Ask guided questions, but also stay focused on listening and you may uncover your next greatest marketing opportunity. 

6) Embrace your game plan – it’s key

A wise individual once said, “when it’s sunny, prepare for rain. And when it’s raining, prepare for the sun.” There’s no doubt that the 2020 economy has seemingly not only turned to rain, but a torrential downpour. But in all this, there are many fortunate circumstances. You’ve been preparing for this moment and can jump on the opportunity to reach your audience for less, acquire great staff talent, and increase customer sentiment by pivoting your marketing strategy to respect the new norms being established in these unprecedented times.

Let’s start the conversation

If these concepts resonate with you, but you’re not sure where to start, talk with True Talent Group. We not only have the marketing, creative and digital talent to help execute on your plans, we also have the consultants to help break down your challenges into simple actionable steps that can help you take advantage of opportunities while your competition sits on the sidelines. We are here to advise and help you find the right marketing, creative and digital talent. Get started by emailing: